Strongly Connected Components in Ruby

		<p>I've had a massive pile of code and experiments sitting around for too long. It's time to move on, but I thought, why not throw it out to rot instead of just disposing of it? Who knows, the stuff in this <a href="">code compost heap</a> might even be useful to someone one day.</p>

Case in point... Here is a digraph manipulator (zip) in iterative Ruby that implements the modified version of Tarjan's algorithm, as explained in the improved algorithm paper by David Pearce. Use it like this:

graph =, edge_set)
clusters = graph.find_scc()

The usage of set data structures (strangely rare in bread and butter Ruby) leaves a lot to be desired, but the code itself seems malleable enough. If you find a use for it, or spot any mistakes, please let me know.